Land reform in Ukraine is successful, but steps remain to consolidate it – Kvien

Chargé d'affaires of the United States in Ukraine Kristina Kvien is convinced that land reform in Ukraine is quite successful, but there are still steps to consolidate it.

She stated this in a speech at the forum "Ukraine 30. Earth," Ukrinform reports.

"I'd add that the work done has been very important, very difficult, but overall quite successful. All that remains is to take a few extra steps to cross the finish line this summer," Kvien said.

According to her, the laws passed by the Verkhovna Rada last year were a real impetus to the adoption of market principles by giving owners the flexibility to use their property. She called the laws the basis for a more transparent, competitive system of land relations, which will lead to new opportunities and greater prosperity for Ukrainians.

At the same time, the Chargé d'affaires draws attention to the steps that Ukraine should take to consolidate the reform.

"Much remains to be done to consolidate land reform success. The draft law, which guarantees partial loan guarantees for small farmers, is still pending. This law will guarantee that every Ukrainian will be able to participate in farming," the diplomat emphasized.

Kvien also stressed the importance of implementing anti-corruption safeguards.

"At the same time as we're fast approaching the opening day of the land market, further management (of the land reform process – ed.) of all participants, including the international community, is key," she said.

The US Chargé d'affaires in Ukraine stressed the importance of providing accurate information on the land market, while "many Ukrainians remain skeptical about the benefits of land reform due to conflicting reports."

She added that the United States encouraged the Ukrainian government and the media to launch a media campaign to provide clear and accurate information about the reform.

"Together with the EU and banks, the US is ready to support the Ukrainian government in implementing land reform for the benefit of all Ukrainians," Kvien said.

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