Photo: OPU
President Volodymyr Zelenskyi announced this at the Diia Summit Spring 2021 within the All-Ukrainian Forum "Ukraine 30. Digitalization," Ukrinform reports.
"If last year only 5% of Ukrainian entrepreneurs opened a business online, now it is 50%. This is very cool," Zelenskyi said.
He also noted that Ukraine had launched an online innovative business assistance service during quarantine, which "can be issued in a few minutes." The head of state informed that more than 800,000 entrepreneurs had already used it.
The President stressed that a total of dozens of online services, a portal, and the Diia application had been launched, which were already used by more than 10 million citizens of Ukraine.
"We've already made, so to speak, a digital revolution. Earlier, to get several permits, you had to pay bribes, there were such cases. Now you only have to pay for the Internet. Earlier it was 10 offices, now one website. Earlier, 50 certificates in the queues, now three or four clicks on the smartphone. Earlier, weeks and months, now, 10 or 20 minutes to open a sole proprietorship and LLC online," Zelenskyi said.
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