Ukraine intends to join annual Cyber Flag Exercise – Markarova

The Ukrainian party is deepening cooperation with the United States in combating cyber attacks and intends to join the annual Cyber ​​Flag Exercise.

The Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States Oksana Markarova announced this on Thursday in Washington, Ukrinform reports.

"This issue (cybersecurity – ed.) is extremely important, and we understand the great vulnerabilities that exist, including in Ukraine, because, since 2014, we're constantly subjected to various cyberattacks on critical infrastructure and banks, the financial system," Markarova said.

She stressed that since the beginning of the Russian aggression, Ukraine had accumulated a large amount of information, as well as experience in countering Russia's cyberattacks.

"We're now very active in our cyber dialogue with the United States," the ambassador said.

In this context, she said that the SBU, in cooperation with American colleagues, stopped more than 350 cyberattacks.

"And today we want to take this issue to the next level, that is, besides active bilateral cooperation with the United States, we have also stated our desire to join Cyber ​​Flag (exercises – ed.), which will also greatly expand the training and education of specialists in this area," Markarova emphasized.


Cyber ​​Flag Exercise has been conducted by the US Department of Defense in collaboration with other agencies since 2011 on a regular basis.

They involve hundreds of professionals to increase preparedness to respond to cyberattacks and establish cooperation between agencies, as well as allies and partners.

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