"I assure you that the Ukrainian issue, including the prospect of obtaining a [NATO] Membership Action Plan for Ukraine, will be on the agenda [of the summit on June 14], and I hope it will be discussed. We, of course, expect powerful and serious messages for Ukraine, because Ukraine has not declared the [need to obtain] MAP so loudly, consistently, and reasonably since 2008," Stefanishyna said during the All-Ukrainian Forum "Ukraine 30. National Security", an Ukrinform correspondent reports.
Now that NATO's 10-year strategy is being formed, Ukraine and Georgia have the right to receive answers "to the questions that were already outlined in the Bucharest Summit Declaration 13 years ago," she noted.
"Today we only have to bring the decision made about the Euro-Atlantic prospects of Ukraine and Georgia into compliance," the Deputy Prime Minister said.
On May 7, Stefanishyna posted on Facebook that the agenda of the NATO summit had not been approved yet, only the date of June 14 was set, and the format of participation of partners, including Ukraine, was still being determined.
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