Neither storm nor Russia prevented Ukrainian flagship and US frigate from conducting joint maneuvers

The flagship of the Ukrainian Sea Guard "Hryhorii Kuropiatnikov" and the US Coast Guard frigate Hamilton conducted joint exercises at sea for two days.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine reports.

"According to the plan of the exercises, two border ships interacted with the ship of the Ukrainian Navy 'Starobilsk.' The crews worked out coordinated actions of the tactical group to stop provocations at sea and repel the attack from the sky according to NATO standards," the statement said.

It's noted that working out difficult elements of maneuvering, evading air attack, and organizing the anti-sabotage defense of the ship, all elements of exercises, "traditionally took place under the supervision of the ships of the Russian Federation."

"Border ships and ships of the Black Sea Fleet not only observed but created additional difficulties for maneuvers, announced the sudden closure of navigation areas, created a navigational hazard and traditionally left unanswered requests for compliance with international standards of safe navigation," the Interior Ministry said.

Now "Hrihorii Kuropiatnikov" and USS HAMILTON remain in the sea, continuing joint training.

"Neither the four-point storm nor the brazen antics of 'Okhotnikov' under the tricolor prevented the partners from working out a program of maneuvers," the Interior Ministry added.

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