Occupants finally hand over prisoner exchange lists

"L/DNR" militants finally submitted lists for the exchange of prisoners. Ukraine did it six months ago.

The representative of the Ukrainian party in the TCG, Tatiana Ivanova, stated this during the broadcast on the Ukraine 24 TV channel, Zn.ua reports.

She explained these lists were currently being studied and clarified.

"The Ukrainian party handed over the lists for the exchange of prisoners six months ago, or even more. All this time, Ukraine insisted that we be given the same mirror lists by ORDLO. For a long time these lists were not handed over, and in April this year, we received them. Now we are working on these lists, they are being clarified," Ivanova said.

It's still impossible to predict how many people will return home, as work with exchange lists has only just begun.

"At the last TCG meeting, it was proposed that Ukraine accept 4 people. It's not part of the exchange, it's supposedly their goodwill. And the Head of the Ukrainian delegation (Leonid Kravchuk – ed.) said that we were ready to accept them and others they would hand over," Ivanova added.

As Rubryka reported, as of April 20, Russia was prosecuting 133 Ukrainian citizens on politically motivated charges.

Of these, 114 are in prison, of which 15 are in the temporarily occupied Crimea, and 99 are in Russia. 66 people were sentenced to long terms, the remaining 48 are under trial and investigation. Most of them, 78 people, are citizens of Ukraine of the Crimean Tatar nationality.

As for ORDLO, 280 Ukrainian citizens are illegally detained there, including 236 civilians, and 4 volunteers. Also, 40 servicemen (36 from the Armed Forces and 4 from the Ministry of Internal Affairs), as well as 4 members of volunteer battalions.

Another 258 people are missing.

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