The headquarters of the Joint Forces Operation reports.
According to intelligence, on April 25, the militants are preparing to carry out a series of provocations against Ukraine using weapons and military equipment with the application of "pixel" camouflage, used by units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The JFO headquarters reports that one of such provocations is to take place in the Debaltseve direction with the involvement of Donbas Volunteers' Union mercenaries, who received instructions from their curators to simulate an attack on the position of the 7th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade of the 2nd Army Corps. to destroy engineering and fortification equipment of the first positions and create losses to units of the same brigade. At the same time, losses among the civilian population aren't ruled out.
"In addition, the cynicism of the leadership of the Russian occupation forces, planning to carry out terrorist acts during the Easter service in one of the religious institutions of the Moscow Patriarchate, is outrageous, which could lead to mass losses among parishioners," the headquarters said.
"This will allow Russia to accuse Ukraine of neglecting the moral, religious principles and genocide of its own people, as well as to introduce regular troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine," the statement said.
In turn, the Joint Forces Command assures that it fully complies with the Minsk agreements. "The blame for the possible escalation of the conflict, as well as the deaths of civilians and servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, lies solely with the leadership of the Russian occupation forces," the statement said.
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