Ministry of Health won't impose additional quarantine restrictions on Easter

The Ministry of Health will not impose additional restrictions on Easter but urges everyone to adhere to anti-epidemic norms.
Chief State Sanitary Doctor Viktor Liashko stated this at a briefing, Ukrinform reports.
"We emphasize the holidays should be not only fun but also safe. There are no plans to introduce additional quarantine restrictions for the Easter holidays. At the same time, we appeal to everyone to adhere to the rules set out in the quarantine regulation," Liashko said.
First, when visiting public places, use personal protective equipment, masks covering the mouth and nose. It's also necessary to keep a distance of 1.5 meters.
The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers clearly defines the norm of the area and the number of people who can visit the premises, including temples; it's 1 person per 4 square meters.
Also, the Ministry of Health appeals to religious institutions to encourage online worship, increase the number of blessing sessions and reduce their duration.
It is recommended to fix the doors of the temples in such a way as to ensure air exchange inside the room.
Encourage parishioners to attend the blessing and consecration of food but only one person from the household to exclude family visits.
On the street, near the temples, be sure to follow the mask regime.
The Ministry of Health recommends that elderly people with chronic diseases refrain from visiting temples and consecrate a holiday basket in the fresh air near the temple. Also, it is recommended to refrain from holiday visits to relatives and friends, so as not to endanger each other, especially elderly relatives.