Kuleba informs how the meeting with representatives of NATO’s Eastern flank was

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba stated that the countries of NATO's Eastern Flank, Romania, Poland, and Turkey, support Ukraine and its Euro-Atlantic aspirations.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine announced this following the consultations of the Foreign Ministers of Ukraine, Georgia, Romania, Poland, and Turkey in Bucharest on Friday, Rubryka reports.

The foreign ministers of the five countries reportedly discussed the issues of regional security in the context of Russia's aggressive actions, the prospects for NATO expansion, and the support of the Allies.

The Foreign Ministry stressed that Allies on NATO's eastern flank reaffirmed the need to maintain a stable and secure space in NATO's immediate neighborhood and noted the importance of dialogue with Ukraine and Georgia, in particular on Black Sea security.

"NATO's key partners Ukraine and Georgia are making a significant contribution to strengthening the Alliance's eastern flank and maintaining stability in the Black Sea region. I'm convinced that our unity is the most effective deterrent to Russia and its deeply destructive actions in the region," Kuleba said.

He informed his partners in detail about Russia's systematic escalation of the security situation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions and Crimea amid Moscow's reluctance to confirm its commitment to the ceasefire.

The head of Ukrainian diplomacy drew the partners' attention to the fact that the current escalation by the Russian Federation is systemic and the largest in recent years, posing a threat to the European security system and the Black Sea region. He thanked his partners for their resolute and timely response to Moscow's escalating tensions, which, among other things, influenced the Kremlin's decision to withdraw troops from the Ukrainian border.

The Foreign Minister of Ukraine drew special attention of the participants to the Russian blockade of the Kerch Strait, which grossly violates the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. According to him, such actions not only pose a threat to Ukraine's national security but also undermine economic stability in the Sea of ​​Azov region.

Kuleba called for increased cooperation between the navies of Ukraine, Georgia and the Black Sea member states of NATO.

Separately, he focused on preparations for the inaugural summit of the Crimean Platform, confirmed the invitation to partners to participate in the summit and further work of the Platform.

The parties also discussed ways to deepen cooperation with NATO in the context of Ukraine's and Georgia's Euro-Atlantic integration.

As reported by Rubryka, today Ukraine took part in a working meeting of the foreign ministers of three NATO member states, Poland, Romania and Turkey, for the first time.

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