Zelenskyi had a conversation with Slovakian Prime Minister

The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi had a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, Eduard Heger.

The Office of the President reports.

During the conversation, they paid special attention to the security situation in eastern Ukraine. The Prime Minister of Slovakia expressed concern over the increase of the Russian military presence near the Ukrainian borders and assured of Slovakia's firm support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our state.

The parties also exchanged views on cooperation between Ukraine and the EU. The President thanked Slovakia for its support in Ukraine's European integration and expressed hope for intensifying practical cooperation in this area.

Volodymyr Zelenskyi and Eduard Heger discussed topical issues of the bilateral agenda, in particular in transport and cross-border cooperation fields. The President stressed the interest of the Ukrainian party in resuming the full operation of Uzhhorod International Airport as soon as possible.

"I'm counting on your personal support in Slovakia's completing the internal procedures required for the Uzhhorod Airport agreement to enter into force soon. I hope we'll be able to resume full operation of the airport shortly," Volodymyr Zelenskyi stressed.

The President of Ukraine noted it was important for both countries to make crossing the border as convenient as possible. Volodymyr Zelenskyi noted the positive dynamics in reducing queues at the Ukrainian-Slovak border.

"It's important to establish joint border and customs control with Slovakia. It will also help us in the fight against smuggling. I ask for your assistance in speeding up the conclusion of an agreement on joint border and customs control between our countries," the President of Ukraine said.

Volodymyr Zelenskyi invited the Prime Minister of Slovakia to pay a visit to Ukraine to discuss issues of bilateral economic cooperation and partnership between Ukraine and Slovakia.

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