The reason for the visit was the conflict escalation and Russian Federation withdrawing troops to the border with Ukraine, the Skhidnyi Variant reports.
According to Dmytro Lubinets, they started the trip by visiting the Azov Regiment headquarters in Urzuf. Afterward, a large meeting of all law enforcement officials chaired by the Minister took place.
"In addition, there was a meeting with community leaders who expressed a wish to participate in the project 'Community Police Officer.' At the meeting, issues were raised, which should be resolved by changing the current legislation. As the chairperson of the profile Committee, I immediately record the relevant appeals and will work on them after returning to Kyiv," Dmytro Lubinets said.
The chairperson of the committee also added that, despite the real threat and numerous rumors, the situation was under control.
"Escalation by the Russian Federation is possible, it must be acknowledged. However, the results of the inspection show that the situation is under control, and we have enough forces and means to protect Ukrainian land!" Lubinets declared.
According to EU Foreign Minister Josep Borrell, there are now more than 100,000 Russian servicemen on Ukraine's border and in Crimea.
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