The US Embassy in Ukraine reports, according to the Evropeiska Pravda.
Additional resources will be used this year to address several key issues.
In particular, $34 million will be allocated to support economic growth and improve the health of Ukrainians, supporting the recovery of Ukraine after the COVID-19 pandemic by improving the quality of basic medical services for Ukrainians; increasing transparency and expanding economic opportunities in the energy, agriculture, and financial sectors; assisting in the development of the land market as a driver of economic growth and investment in the agricultural sector.
$14 million will be used to improve anti-corruption measures to support reforms and protect anti-corruption institutions; reduce corruption in the field of health care and assist Ukraine in the purchase of essential medicines; support the further development of e-government platforms.
$63 million has been earmarked to counter Russian aggression, in particular, to protect human rights and ensure access to justice for Ukrainians affected by the aggression; to reduce Ukraine's energy and economic dependence on Russia by promoting connection to Europe's energy network; to expand citizens' access to high-quality and objective information to combat malicious influence and misinformation, support European integration and strengthen democratic processes in Ukraine.
$44 million is earmarked for strengthening democracy and governance. The funds should help expand judicial reform; strengthen the newly created united territorial communities and ensure the wider provision of quality services to residents; encourage youth leadership and innovation.
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