The OSCE reports this on their website.
"The Secretary-General and I had a fruitful discussion… on the escalating tensions in and around Ukraine. We stressed that participating States must act under the Vienna Document, which is a key element of our common security and an important confidence-building tool to reduce war risks," Ann Linde said.
She added that the Swedish OSCE Chairmanship will continue to contribute to de-escalation and conflict prevention under the principles and commitments of the organization.
The OSCE Secretary-General also called on to refrain from further escalation.
As previously reported, on April 7, Ukraine activated the 2011 OSCE Vienna Document on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures. It provides for a mechanism for Russia to provide explanations regarding the significant increase in the military presence of the RF Armed Forces along the border with Ukraine and in the temporarily occupied territories over the past few days.
On April 14, at the request of Ukraine, a special joint meeting of the OSCE decision-making bodies – the Permanent Council and the Security Cooperation Forum – was held to consider the issue of Russian troops concentrating at the border.
The participating countries expressed concern about the military activities of the Russian Federation near the border with Ukraine and called on Moscow to de-escalate, making several recommendations.
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