
Biden declares a state of emergency due to Russia’s threatening actions

US President Joe Biden's decree on new sanctions against Russia says that some of Russia's actions pose an "extraordinary threat" to US national security, the economy, and foreign policy.

The document states that "the specified harmful foreign activities of the Government of the Russian Federationconstitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States."

Joe Biden has issued a decree declaring a state of emergency in national security in connection with the actions of the Russian Federation. Such actions include efforts to undermine democratic elections in the United States and partner countries, cyberattacks against the United States and its allies, undermining security in countries and regions important to US national security, and violations of international law, including respect for territorial integrity.

On April 15, US President Joe Biden signed a decree on new sanctions against Russia over cyberattacks, attempts to influence the US elections, and the occupation of Crimea.

According to the document:

  • the sanctions targeted 32 legal entities and individuals who attempted by order of the Russian government to influence the 2020 US presidential election, as well as other acts of misinformation and interference;
  • The United States expels ten Russian diplomats from Washington;
  • US financial institutions have been banned from directly purchasing debt securities from the Central Bank, the Treasury, and the National Welfare Fund of the Russian Federation since June 14;
  • the sanctions targeted six Russian technology companies that, according to the United States, provide support to Russia's intelligence services;
  • sanctions were imposed on eight individuals and legal entities due to the occupation of Crimea.

The White House said the US government was taking steps "to hold Russia accountable for the actions of its government and intelligence services against US sovereignty and interests."

To recap, the United States has imposed new sanctions against 32 Russian legal entities and individuals for trying to influence the 2020 presidential election. Sanctions were also imposed due to hacker attacks.

Russia has responded to US sanctions by promising that "the answer will be inevitable."

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