It's evidenced by the published data of the Passport Index of Henley & Partners.
Since the beginning of the year, Ukraine has concluded visa-free agreements with Aruba, Curaçao, Grenada, Saint Martin, and the Caribbean Netherlands.
The compilers of the passport rating noted that due to quarantine and the coronavirus pandemic in many countries, the proper opportunities for Ukrainians to travel were limited at the moment.
The Japanese passport still ranks first in the updated ranking; borders of 193 countries are open to the citizens of this country, despite the current ban on the entry of foreign nationals into Japan.
In the second place, we see the Singapore passport, which opens the possibility for visa-free travel to 192 countries. In third place, there's Germany and South Korea (191).
The compilers of the rating note that because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Index has changed only slightly, but some of the countries still showed outstanding results. For example, China rose immediately to 22 positions, from 90th place with the opportunity to travel to 40 countries to 68th place with access to 77 countries. Another country that showed the most impressive results, the UAE, moved from 65th to 15th place. With a UAE passport, you can travel to 174 destinations without a visa or with a visa upon arrival.
International experts hope that general vaccination in several countries will make the movement of citizens between countries common again.
As reported, Ukraine became the first country where digital passports have the same legal power as physical ones.
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