The Permanent Representative of Ukraine to international organizations, Yevhen Tsymbaliuk, stated this in Vienna.
He also posted a screenshot of the chat in Zoom, which is used to hold meetings in the OSCE. It's clear from the correspondence that Tsymbalyuk initiated the meeting, in which the US representative also confirmed her participation.
In response, the adviser to the Russian mission Yulia Zhdanova wrote that the head of the Russian delegation Gavrilov "isn't going to cast pearls before…"
"This is all you need to know about Russian diplomacy in the OSCE," Tsymbaliuk said.
In a comment to Ukrinform, Tsymbaliuk said that the Russian delegation opposed the adoption of any decisions.
"The Russian delegation has made it clear that it strongly opposes any decision or approval of any recommendations at this meeting. And when statements began in response to such words from the Russian delegation, we saw they wouldn't, literally, 'cast pearls before…' I leave the assessment of the level of diplomacy of such a statement to the discretion of readers," he said.
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Верховна Рада внесла поправки до Кодексу України про адміністративні правопорушення щодо мобілізації. Відтепер 6 мільйонів… Читати більше
До української столиці з робочим візитом прибула голова Міністерства внутрішніх справ (МВС) Фінляндії Марі Рантанен.… Читати більше
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