Russia is pulling troops to intimidate the West by demonstrating its strength – Zelenskyi

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi believes Russia is drawing troops to the border with Ukraine to intimidate the West by demonstrating its strength.

He said this in an interview with Time, Ukrinform reports.

"What they want to do is raise the bar just enough to show that the West is hesitant about supporting Ukraine that they don't really see us as a partner," Zelenskyi said, adding that "it's a kind of test."

According to the publication, the United States is still undergoing an inspection. US President Joe Biden has promised Ukraine "unwavering support," including military assistance.

His administration called on European allies, especially France and Germany, to support Ukraine as well.

According to the publication, the motive for intimidation may explain some of Moscow's actions.

If the Kremlin really intended to invade Ukraine, Russian troops might "try a little harder" to retain some element of surprise.

Instead, the Kremlin acted with great publicity: spreading footage of military capacity-building on social media, sending warships, and bringing tens of thousands of troops to the border.

As Rubryka reported, the level of military threat from Russia has been steadily rising in recent weeks.

It happens due to the significant increase in Russian troops on the border with Ukraine, which was last observed seven years ago when Russia's direct aggression began.

The Defense Ministry's Chief Intelligence Directorate said that the transfer and accumulation of Russian troops near the border would probably continue until the end of April.

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