The relevant statement is posted on the OSCE website, Ukrinform reports.
"We are deeply concerned by reports of provocative and destabilizing Russian actions in and around Ukraine that could lead to grave escalation of this ongoing conflict. While Russian aims are not fully clear, there should be no doubt that that the international community is watching closely. We urge the Kremlin to de-escalate, withdraw, and fully respect Ukraine's territorial integrity," the statement said.
The statement was signed by the Chairperson of the OSCE PA Committee, Richard Hudson (USA), the Deputy Chairperson of the Committee, Costel Neculai Dunava (Romania), and the Committee's Rapporteur, Laurinas Cascunas (Lithuania).
Members of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly's General Committee on Political Affairs and Security recalled the PA's consistent support for restoring Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders and condemnation of Russia's breaches of its obligations under the Helsinki Final Act.
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