President’s Office comments on talks between leaders of France, Germany and Russia on situation in Ukraine

The Office of the President emphasizes Ukraine continues negotiations with all countries of the Normandy format at various levels, and no decisions regarding our country can and will be made without it.

The press secretary of the president Yulia Mendel stated it, Ukrainska Pravda reports.

Mendel commented on the talks between French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Russian President Vladimir Putin in a videoconference where they discussed, among other things, the situation in Donbas.

Direct speech: "We clearly adhere to the position that no decision on Ukraine can be made without Ukraine. Leaders of other countries can mention and express their positions on the situation in a particular region or a particular country.

Just as the leaders of France, Germany, and Russia discussed a broad agenda, including the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, the situation in the Middle East, EU-Russia relations. Among other things, the situation in Donbas was mentioned. The President's office believes that it would be strange if the war in Donbas fell off the international agenda, especially in the negotiations involving the Russian party.

Nevertheless, Ukraine continues negotiations with all countries of the Normandy format at various levels, and no decisions about Ukraine can and will be taken without Ukraine's participation.

Kyiv has warm relations with both Berlin and Paris, the European Union has established itself as a reliable partner for Ukraine and strongly supports sanctions against Russia for invading Donbas and occupying Crimea, emphasizing that Russia is a participant, not a mediator in the war in Donbas. This position is precious for Ukraine. We'll continue to use all opportunities and platforms to advance to peace, which is our undeniable value," Mendel said.

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