The head of the Ukrainian delegation to the Trilateral Contact Group on settling the situation in Donbas Leonid Kravchuk stated this on the Dom TV channel, Ukrainska Pravda reports.
"We can't say, no, it won't happen. If such a philosophy exists (and it exists and is fixed in the main strategic document of the Russian Federation), then anything can happen. Therefore, we must be ready for this. I want everyone to understand: Ukraine is preparing for any scenarios, including attempts at aggression, expansion of aggression. For any scenarios."
The head of the delegation stressed that we should conclude that Russia doesn't respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. That's why you can expect any action from the aggressor.
At the same time, Kravchuk expressed hope that if the Kremlin risked expanding its aggression, it would face significant resistance, and not only from Ukraine.
"We have to be ready for anything," he said.
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