The SBU's press service reports.
According to the investigation, the participants of the "Ukrainian Choice" actively supported the occupying authorities during the annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol and further.
"They became representatives of illegal election commissions and polling stations, took part in the activities of the illegal armed formation 'Self-Defense of Crimea.' The participants of the illegal military groups carried out illegal persecution of Ukrainian activists, seizure of administrative buildings of the Ukrainian authorities," the service said.
According to the SBU, the leadership of the Ukrainian election simulated the liquidation of 210 Crimean units and continued anti-Ukrainian activities in the temporarily occupied Russian Federation of Crimea.
According to the investigation, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine received documents on the termination of the Ukrainian Choice units in Crimea only in 2017. According to the investigation, it was done to create the appearance of the organization's leadership not being involved in the illegal activities of its representatives in Crimea.
The pre-trial investigation is being conducted under Art. 366 (official forgery) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The issue of notifying participants of suspicions under Art. 110 (encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine) and Art. 111 (treason) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Russia occupied Crimea on March 18, 2014. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine announced February 20, 2014, as the date of the beginning of the temporary occupation of Crimea and Sevastopol by Russia. International organizations have declared the occupation of Crimea illegal and condemned Russia's actions.
At the same time, Russia calls the occupation "the acquisition of Crimea" and calls for "the restoration of historical justice."
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