Kyiv Mayor Vitalii Klychko announced this during an online briefing, Ukrainska Pravda reports.
"As we can see, the number of hospitalized patients is increasing. I'll note that today the hospitals in the capital have the largest number of patients since the beginning of the pandemic. Especially those patients who are in serious condition and need oxygen support."
According to him, a total of 4,065 patients with coronavirus, including 39 children, are currently being treated in hospitals and medical institutions in the capital.
2703 patients are in serious condition, 3206 people receive oxygen support, 49 patients under artificial lung ventilation devices.
The occupancy of beds in communal medical institutions is over 74%.
It should be noted that according to the data published by Vitalii Klychko on Telegram, 1,300 people were diagnosed with coronavirus disease in Kyiv on March 23.
137 patients were hospitalized, 49 patients died (currently a record), and 333 Kyiv residents recovered.
Most cases of the disease were found in the districts of Darnytskyi (235), Desnianskyi (187), Obolonskyi (187), and Dniprovskyi (184).
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