Photo Reuters
Ukrainian journalist, editor-in-chief of the website, "Dzerkalo Tyzhnia" columnist Yurii Butusov wrote about this on Facebook.
"Biden doesn't want to communicate with Zelenskyi. But Biden has already failed the 'peace course' of Yermak and Kozak and attempts to surrender Donbas under the guise of a 'ceasefire.' The war continues, and a great war is still ahead," he said.
According to Butusov, this means that the entire policy of Yermak's Office is no longer simply untrue but directly contradicts US policy toward Russia.
"Ukraine must prepare for war. It's a reality, and all those deceiving the country with promises of a quick peace are just cynical and lying politicians, always ready to betray and run away. We need a strategy of a long war with Russia," the journalist wrote.
According to him, Ukraine needs a government that is ready to fight and that will be able to determine the path to victory. "To do this, we must start with a doctrine that doesn't exist, and which the government simply doesn't realize. The real strategy begins with the doctrine of war," Butusov added.
He notes Ukraine has no doctrine of warfare, no army reform, no territorial defense, no defense industry reform, no conscription reform, and the chairperson of the intelligence committee "is still an open Russian spy."
Instead of defending the country, Yermak's office is primarily concerned with resolving personal issues, corruption, budget cuts, controlling likes on Facebook, and hired Internet bots. There's a war in the country, but nobody on Bankova Street cares about the war," the journalist sums up.
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