13:26 11 Mar 2021

Maliuska comments on lawsuit against "Partia Sharia": We don't expect the case to be simple

The Minister of Justice, Denys Maliuska, stated that the "Partia Sharia" had built a good legal defense of its illegal activities.

He wrote about this on Facebook.

"Based on the materials provided by the prosecutor's office and the Security Service of Ukraine, we filed a lawsuit with the Kyiv District Administrative Court to ban the activities of the "Partia Sharia" political party," Maliuska said.

He noted that the grounds for filing a lawsuit were "numerous violations of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine by a political party and, in particular, by a person whom the party designates as its leader, Sharii."

As Maliuska added, the normative basis of the lawsuit is Article 21 of the Law of Ukraine "On Political Parties in Ukraine."

"We don't expect things to be simple and easy. The 'Partia Sharia' party has built a good legal defense of its illegal activities, grossly violating the law, but trying to shift all responsibility for such actions to formal outsiders. But, according to law enforcement materials, they didn't always succeed," the Minister of Justice said.

He also informed that the first hearing in the case would take place on April 6, 2021.

Базуючись на матеріалах, наданих органами прокуратури та Служби безпеки України, ми подали до Окружного…

Posted by Denis Malyuska on Thursday, March 11, 2021

To recap, the Kyiv District Administrative Court initiated proceedings in the case on the claim of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine to the "Partia Sharia" political party.

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