Oleksii Arestovych, an adviser to the Ukrainian delegation to the Trilateral Contact Group, spoke about this plan on the Ukraine 24 channel.
"Now there's a so-called joint action plan, being discussed in the TCG. France and Germany have developed their own plan, it's called "clusters,' which provides for their initiatives to resolve the conflict. They're discussed during meetings of political advisers," the consultant said.
Arestovych declined to give details of the plan, referring to the confidentiality of the information.
"The plan should be presented by the end of March, during the next meeting of political advisers. Details aren't disclosed, it's a confidentiality agreement; only after the adoption of the relevant agreements they will be announced," the consultant said.
Arestovych also noted that "Russia really knows what's happening."
To recap, Yermak stated that within the Normandy format, Ukraine, Germany, and France had developed a plan for a peaceful settlement of the conflict in Donbas and were awaiting a response from the Russian party as a participant in the talks.
Earlier, the TCG stated the Russians were preparing a military provocation in Donbas.
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