
Normandy 4 countries wait for Russia’s response to peace plan of settlement of Donbas conflict – Yermak

The head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andrii Yermak stated that within the Normandy format, Ukraine, Germany, and France had developed a plan for a peaceful settlement of the conflict in Donbas and were then waiting for a response from Russia as a negotiator.

Yermak stated this during the online discussion "Conflict in Eastern Ukraine: prospects for 2021" in the evening, March 9.

"Today there's an existent plan on the table, a peace settlement plan proposed by Germany and France, finalized by Ukraine. And we believe it's absolutely in line with the spirit and principle of the Minsk agreements, it complies with international law. If Russia declares its willingness today regarding ceasing the war, reintegrating the occupied territories in Ukraine, returning our citizens, it'll meet all the criteria… we're waiting for a position of Russia."

According to Yermak, "the peace plan developed at this stage is the so-called 'clusters,' logical steps that correspond to the spirit and principle of the Minsk agreements, and international law."

"A powerful step has been taken within the Normandy format, which we're discussing today, and I hope that in a week or two it'll be the subject of a strong discussion during a videoconference in the Normandy format. These are the so-called 'clusters' … if they're agreed, the basis for a road map that would really end with establishing peace in Donbas, returning and reintegrating the occupied territories to Ukraine and holding local elections," he added.

According to the head of the OPU, "Russia must clearly say whether it's ready to go the way of establishing peace in Donbas, or it doesn't want peace in Ukraine. Then the entire world will understand."

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