
Supporters of Sternenko and Antonenko gather near Zelenskyi’s residence, security officers, drawn in

A protest demanding the release of Serhii Sternenko and Andrii Antonenko began at 5:00 pm on Monday, March 8, in Koncha Zaspa, Kyiv Region, near the residence of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi.

Photo: twitter.com/den_kazansky

Photo: t.me/pavlovskynews

"Your silence and inaction, Mr. President, is keeping people behind bars," the protesters said.

They also hang the messages on the gates and the fence: "Venediktova – resign," "Avakov – the devil," "Free Sternenko" and "FreeRiffmaster."

Photo: twitter.com/den_kazansky

Photo: t.me/pavlovskynews

As journalist Andrii Pavlovskyi reported on the Telegram channel, buses of the National Police and the National Guard were spotted at the entrance to the residence.

Photo: t.me/pavlovskynews

It is noted that people, who went to President's residence later, gathered near the "Vydubychi" metro station.

Sternenko's supporters lit fireworks and smoke grenades under the residence of Zelenskyi, partially blocking the highway.

They also called for a meeting tomorrow at 9 a.m. near the President Hotel (12 Hospitalna Street), where judges from across the country will try to elect members of the High Council of Justice.

According to the protesters, they'll demand a change in the rules of selection of the High Council of Justice members, which should include "decent people who won't allow to keep patriots and innocent people behind bars, and release murderers and corrupt officials."

Earlier, activists announced a rally to support Serhii Sternenko, "Silence keeps behind bars," when they would go to the state country house of President Volodymyr Zelenskyi in Koncha Zaspa.

On February 27, rallies to support activist Serhii Sternenko took place in Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities and abroad.

This was the second similar demonstration. The first one took place in many cities of Ukraine on February 23, when the Prymorskyi District Court of Odesa found Sternenko guilty of kidnapping by conspiracy, and illegal possession of weapons and sentenced him to 7 years and 3 months in prison with confiscation of half of his property. He was remanded in custody, pending an appeal against his sentence.

Sternenko denies involvement in the abduction and insists on the political motivation of the case. Sternenko's defense announced its intention to appeal the activist's sentence as soon as possible.

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