
Zelenskyi puts into effect NSDC decision, providing for bringing to justice those guilty of non-complying with council’s decisions

President Volodymyr Zelenskyi put into effect the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of February 19 on the state of implementation of the decisions of the National Security and Defense Council.

The relevant decree №77/2021 of February 26 was published on the President's website.

The decision of the National Security and Defense Council instructs the Cabinet of Ministers to ensure the implementation of the decisions of the Security Council by the executive authorities, enacted by presidential decrees; take measures to bring to justice to persons guilty of non-compliance with such decisions in the prescribed manner and introduce a procedure for the Cabinet of Ministers' approving plans to organize the implementation of tasks set by the Cabinet of Ministers within the decisions of the National Security and Defense Council.

Besides, the Security Council instructed the Prime Minister to take the activities of the heads of executive bodies under personal control to ensure the implementation of tasks assigned to the relevant bodies by decisions of the National Security and Defense Council.

The document also states that members of the Security Council, exercising coordination and control within their official powers, must ensure the implementation of the decisions of the National Security and Defense Council by the relevant state bodies.

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