The Minister of Health Maksym Stepanov said this on the air of the program "Right to Power" on the 1+1 channel.
"We are completely prepared. We have a relevant capacity agreement with commercial structures. Today, 300 thousand doses of vaccines per week. According to the agreement, they are taken from the plane, stored in the central warehouse, and fully delivered to the regions. We are ready to receive any vaccine," the minister stressed.
He added that if necessary, it was possible to increase the storage of vaccines to 600 thousand doses per week.
Health Minister also explained why such a cold chain wasn't provided at the state level: "The only vaccine that requires from -60 to -80 degrees is Pfizer. We just won't use this cold chain anymore."
The Minister of Health also called for maintaining information hygiene in the vaccination issue and not to succumb to fakes and manipulations that directly affect the health of Ukrainians.
117,000 doses of Pfizer vaccine are to be delivered to Ukraine. During February 17-18, UNICEF together with the logistics company "Pharmasoft" conducted training for specialists from all regions of Ukraine on the compliance with the cold chain for this vaccine during the vaccination campaign.
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