The press service of the Kyiv City State Administration reports.
"Today, February 25, the COVID-19 vaccination with the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine (Covishield) provided by the Ministry of Health began in the capital," the statement said.
Oleksii Kutsenko, the head of the intensive care unit for infectious patients at the Oleksandrivska Clinical Hospital, was the first in Kyiv to receive the coronavirus vaccination. He added he was feeling well and had confidence in the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine.
"For almost a year we have been treating covid patients and seeing the consequences of the disease. Personally, I didn't question if to be vaccinated or not. I decided on my own that vaccination was necessary. Mass vaccination of the Ukrainian population is necessary in order to bring down the barrage of covid-infection. Unfortunately, people are prejudiced against vaccination. I hope our example will be positive and will be an argument for those who have doubts," Kutsenko said.
"Vaccination of medical workers has started in Kyiv. Yesterday the city received 42,600 doses of the Oxford/AstraZeneca (Covishield) vaccine. And today we started vaccinating the medical staff of the mobile teams and the Oleksandrivska Hospital, which last year treated about 7,000 patients with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis," Valentyna Hinzburh, director of the Department of Health, said.
As of 11:30 a.m., 30 doctors have been vaccinated with the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine (Covishield), and everyone is feeling well.
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