Before vaccination, his temperature was measured, and the doctor was given instruction, reports. The doctor said that he felt fine, but was a little worried about the moment's historicity.
"Vaccination is a marker of a civilized society. Do you need arms at the front? Do you need ammunition? The same in the medical field. It is better to prevent than treat complications of the disease," he said.
The second person vaccinated was the senior nurse of the intensive care unit, Nonna Khachatrian. The doctor of the mobile brigade Liudmyla Dotsenko performed the vaccination procedure.
After the injection, patients must be monitored by a doctor for 30 minutes to prevent possible reactions.
Oleksandr Skichko, Head of the Cherkasy Regional State Administration, said: "As in entire Ukraine, we will have a cascading model of vaccination, which provides for mobile teams working in a certain sequential order. We strictly monitor the temperature for vaccine storage: from + 2 ° to + 8 °C.
I want to emphasize that coronavirus vaccination is voluntary and free. It will take place in V stages: in stage I, vaccinations will be given to health professionals and staff providing care to covid-patients; on the II state, people with an extremely high risk of infection (social workers, people over 80 years old, other health workers) will be vaccinated; on III, people with a high risk of infection and those working in the SES, SBU, police, educational institutions will get the vaccine; at the IV stage, people aged from 60 to 64 years, adults with concomitant diseases. Stage V: all other categories of the population. I'll tell you a story about whether you need to be vaccinated.
The story of a resuscitator who saved the lives of covid patients struck me. To my question whether he was ready to be vaccinated, the answer was straightforward: "Yes." When I asked, "Why?" He said, "I save people in intensive care every day and see the consequences of the coronavirus," Skichko wrote.
Two mobile teams were trained in the Cherkasy region for vaccination: one for CoviShield, the other one for Pfizer/BioNTech.
"The Cherkasy region is the first region in Ukraine that has already received the vaccine. It is from us that the all-Ukrainian vaccination begins.
We are currently receiving 16,200 doses of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine. Thus, vaccination in the Cherkasy region and Ukraine as a whole has started. We are 100% ready for the first stage; during this time more than 7,000 residents of our region will receive protection from covid," Skichko confirmed.
To recap, the first batch of 500,000 doses of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine (Covishield) arrived in Ukraine from India on February 23. The vaccine's developers are Oxford University and the British-Swedish company AstraZeneca. In fact, it is the same "Oxford" vaccine that Serum Institute India produces for the local Indian market. In the summer of 2020, AstraZeneca and the Indian Vaccine Institute signed an agreement to produce the vaccine to "help low- and middle-income countries."
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