Deputy Minister of Health, Chief Sanitary Doctor Viktor Liashko, announced this during a press conference in Ukrinform.
"We plan to start vaccination tomorrow, after the delivery of the first batch," Liashko said.
He added that vaccination would begin with doctors providing care to COVID-19 patients.
"The first 7 regions that will receive the vaccine are Kyiv and Kyiv region, Chernihiv, Cherkasy region, Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia. Vaccination begins after the vaccine is delivered," Liashko said.
According to the Deputy Minister, the vaccine will be sent to 11 regions tomorrow; some of them will receive drugs on February 25 because of logistics. Syringes and boxes for safe disposal will also be delivered with the vaccines.
At the first stage, only mobile teams will be vaccinated.
The Oxford/AstraZeneca (Covishield) vaccine was registered for emergency use in Ukraine on 23 February.
The vaccine's developers are Oxford University and the British-Swedish company AstraZeneca. In fact, it is the same "Oxford" vaccine that Serum Institute India produces for the local Indian market. In the summer of 2020, AstraZeneca and the Indian Vaccine Institute signed an agreement to produce the vaccine to "help low- and middle-income countries."
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