
Zelenskyi: there are people in the country harming the government’s negotiations with IMF

President Volodymyr Zelenskyi stated that there were people in the country who, bypassing the government, communicated with IMF representatives, and thus harmed the government's negotiations with the fund.

The President said this at a press conference within the All-Ukrainian Forum "Ukraine 30. Infrastructure."

"I believe that we have normal relations with the International Monetary Fund. Within Ukraine, no one helps us with this topic, but on the contrary, I know that many people, many "lobbyists" work separately with the IMF and tell what is happening here in Ukraine: "Oh. It's so scary here. If it were us, we would show… ". That is, there are no helpers. I must tell you we are building an independent Ukraine, and we agree with some things some of our Western partners want, and we don't agree with other things," Zelenskyi said.

He stressed that the program with the IMF was not over. As part of the stand-by program, our state should receive two more tranches. The Ukrainian government has to fulfill several economic obligations for this because there was such an agreement with the IMF.

"The program was not implemented due to some things. For example, in the legal field, the law on the High Council of Justice, they have been prepared for many years that there will be such a law. And now we have to do some things very quickly. Very fast. And it's not easy. And also the banking law," the President said.

Zelenskyi stressed Ukraine was counting on funds from the IMF. Asked by reporters whether he believed Ukraine would receive them this year, he said:

"I believe in this. "We don't have questions like 'if not?' And if not, then we always have a Plan B," the head of state added.

As reported, on February 13, the IMF announced the completion of the mission to review the stand-by program.

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