NovaVax company confirms increasing a vaccine supply to Ukraine by 5 million doses - Stepanov

The Minister of Health Maksym Stepanov has completed talks in India on increasing the supply of the American vaccine NovaVax to Ukraine. The total volume of the NovaVax vaccine, expected in Ukraine, is 15 million.
Minister announced this on Facebook.
"Another positive news from Pune, India, and the world's largest vaccine manufacturer, the Serum Institute.
Negotiations on increasing the supply of the American vaccine NovaVax to Ukraine have been completed. We've been confirmed to supply an additional 5 million doses of vaccines from this manufacturer. Let's approve the agreement by signing the contract.
The total volume of NovaVax vaccines that we expect in Ukraine today is 15 million. Let me remind you that the supply of the NovaVax vaccine is planned to start from July 2021," the head of the Ministry of Health wrote.
Ще одна позитивна новина з індійського Пуне та найбільшого у світі виробника вакцин Serum Institute.Успішно завершили…
Posted by Максим Степанов on Sunday, February 21, 2021
On Sunday, February 21, the Minister of Health, Maksym Stepanov, stated that he had personally supervised the shipment of the first batch of AstraZeneca vaccine (CoviShield) to Ukraine from a manufacturing plant in the Indian city of Pune. According to him, 500,000 doses are now being transported to Mumbai, then there will be "a long way by cargo plane with a stop in Istanbul and the vaccine will arrive in Ukraine one of these days."