
Сase of Vasyl Stus book: court will continue consideration of Kipiani’s appeal on March 19

Consideration of appeals of historian and journalist Vakhtang Kipiani and Vivat Publishing House against the decision of the Kyiv Darnytsia District Court of October 19, 2020, which banned the distribution of the book "The Case of Vasyl Stus," will continue on March 19 at 11:00.

A judge of the Kyiv Court of Appeals announced it after a break in the February 19 hearing, Ukrinform reports.

"We're announcing a break, and the next court hearing, a court debate, will take place on March 19, 2021, at 11 o'clock," the judge said.

At a hearing on February 19, the Kyiv Court of Appeals began hearing appeals from Kipiani and Vivat Publishing House. The court heard a report from the prosecutor, Kipiani's lawyers, Vivat Publishing House, and Medvedchuk.

To recap, on October 19, 2020, the Darnytsia District Court of Kyiv partially sustained the claim of People's Deputy Viktor Medvedchuk against Vivat Publishing House and historian and journalist Vakhtang Kipiani to ban the publication and distribution of The Vasyl Stus Case.

In particular, the court found some of the phrases in the book to be inaccurate and ordered to delete them, and prohibit the distribution of the printed edition of the book and its further reproduction until the phrases containing information about Medvedchuk were eliminated. The court also ruled to ban Kipiani and the publisher from distributing book-related information in the press, radio, television, the Internet, and other media.

On November 30, the Kyiv Court of Appeals opened an appeal according to a complaint by journalist Vakhtang Kipiani's representative against the court's decision regarding the book The Case of Vasyl Stus.

"The Case of Vasyl Stus" was published by Vivat in 2019. The book contains documents from the archives of the former KGB of the USSR about the high-profile case of the poet Vasyl Stus, testimonies of witnesses, letters of the poet from prison, memories of his relatives and friends.

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