
Website about COVID vaccination launched in Ukraine

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine together with partners launched a separate information portal on COVID-19 vaccination.

The Ministry of Health reports.

The portal vaccination.covid19.gov.ua is an official source of information, where you can find out about the stages and target groups of vaccination, which vaccines will be used, and how the vaccination process itself will take place in Ukraine.

"It's the first version of the portal with basic information for citizens, including settings for the visually impaired. By the end of February, the functionality of the portal will be expanded with additional sections and a mobile version. After the update, the website will be divided into two parts. One will contain information for a wide audience, and the other one will be with specialized information for health professionals," Health Minister Maksym Stepanov said.

Besides, the website will contain information panels with statistics on the course of the vaccination campaign in Ukraine.

All data on the website will be updated nearly in real-time. Information support for the portal is provided by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization.

The Ministry of Health recalled that the information website covid19.gov.ua and the Ministry of Health's national contact center on COVID-19 were already operating in Ukraine. Hotline number: 0 800 60 20 19.

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