Ukraine 24 reports.
"I believe it (the" Minsk "negotiation process – ed.) is now more lively than 5 years ago when neither party had intended to carry it out. Today, the Ukrainian party has already stated that the Minsk agreements needed modernizing; it's a sign of life. Our Western partners have a consolidated pro-Ukrainian position on Russia. They demand that Russia implement the Minsk agreements. Therefore, I believe that "Minsk" is just more alive today and has the potential to be squeezed out of it. If we leave "Minsk" now, sanctions will be lifted from Russia, and they will leave us alone with Russia. The only choice left is to fight," the TKG spokesperson said.
Today, as he stressed, economic sanctions are our only weapon of influence on Russia.
"It's impossible to reach a good agreement with Russia, but Russia can be put under pressure. Russia recognizes the right of force. Our task today with "Minsk" is to transfer it into a format that won't be beneficial to Russia when it wants to leave it, not us. We need to put pressure on Russia with economic sanctions and information fight, and we have just started to do that," Harmash said.
To recap, the TCG announced progress in the negotiation process.
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