
Rada recognizes Revolution of Dignity as one of the key moments in Ukraine’s state-building: a statement

The People's Deputies approved the statement of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in connection with the sixth anniversary of the beginning of the Euromaidan and the events of the Revolution of Dignity.

295 people's deputies supported draft resolution №2739.

"Approving the statement is necessary to provide a political assessment of the events of Euromaidan, the Revolution of Dignity, and their consequences. In particular, the actions of Viktor Yanukovych, Berkut police units and other persons and organizations that committed illegal actions are being assessed," the explanatory note reads.

By the adopted resolution, the Verkhovna Rada declares that the Revolution of Dignity is one of the critical moments of Ukrainian state-building and an expression of the national idea of ​​freedom.

The document also states that the investigation of crimes committed during the Revolution of Dignity must be completed effectively; the perpetrators must be brought to court and brought to justice in an impartial process.

The Verkhovna Rada stressed in a statement that the acts of the abasement of human dignity that took place on Independence Square in Kyiv, and in other parts of the capital and various settlements across the country, should not repeat.

"Ukraine has paid too high a price for liberation from the dictatorship and its civilized choice to be part of Europe. The heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, Ukrainians, and foreigners, gave their lives during the Revolution of Dignity, defending the ideals of democracy, defending human rights and freedoms, the European future of Ukraine. The memory of their heroic deed is part of the history of nation-building," the statement said.

It's emphasized that the usurpation of power by one of its branches, a party or an individual official, is a completely unacceptable phenomenon, which causes long-term serious consequences.

The Parliament also notes that the tragic events of the Revolution of Dignity, the annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, and the ongoing armed aggression of the Russian Federation and its occupying separate districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions was not least due to the policy of Viktor Yanukovych and the criminal regime he formed, supported by the Russian Federation and acting against the national interests of Ukraine.

The statement condemns the activities of individual Berkut employees, police officers, servicemen of the internal troops, bailiffs, prosecutors, judges, and other officials during the Revolution of Dignity as causing irreparable damage to the state and society.

The Verkhovna Rada emphasizes peaceful gatherings are an extremely effective instrument of public control over the institutions of public power, and the state must protect the safety of participants in peaceful gatherings of all kinds and forms, and their right to express their opinion.

In a statement, the Verkhovna Rada affirms that the European values, the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred gave their lives for, are dignity, democracy, equality, and the rule of law, which are necessary for the normal functioning of society. It is emphasized that the Verkhovna Rada consistently holds the view and will hold the view of affirming these values ​​in all spheres of public life.

They expect the resolution to draw the attention of Ukrainian society and the international community to the Euromaidan and the Revolution of Dignity.

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