
Shmyhal discusses IT and space cooperation with Luxembourg Prime Minister

Ukraine is interested in further cooperation with Luxembourg in innovative technologies, in particular, in the development of such industries as IT technologies, cybersecurity, digital development, and renewable energy sources.

Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal stressed this during a meeting with the Prime Minister of the Duchy of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel during a working visit on 12 February.

"Luxembourg is one of the leaders in the development of IT technologies, and in this context, Ukraine is interested in establishing bilateral cooperation in this area," Shmyhal said.

He noted Luxembourg used innovative approaches to the development of national space activities. In particular, in November 2020, they established the European Innovation Center for Space Resources in partnership with the European Space Agency.

"Ukraine is ready to establish stable cooperation with the Luxembourg Space Agency. We're interested in bilateral cooperation in space exploration and the use of space resources, including within the international project "Artemis," which our country joined in November last year," the head of the Ukrainian government said.

Shmyhal added Ukraine had a long history of space activities and valuable experience in implementing international space projects, a developed scientific and technical school, and technological opportunities for developing mutually beneficial cooperation.

Prime Minister invited Xavier Bettel to consider signing a Memorandum of Understanding between Ukraine and Luxembourg on cooperation in space to exchange experiences and information.

He noted Luxembourg was also one of Ukraine's promising trading partners and a reliable investor in the Ukrainian economy. According to him, concluding an agreement on economic cooperation could be among the steps that would promote the development of bilateral relations between Ukraine and Luxembourg.

Besides, Denys Shmyhal invited Luxembourg to join the Ukrainian diplomatic initiative "Crimean Platform." He also invited the Lux-Development Agency for International Assistance and Development to join the project to restore infrastructure and humanitarian programs for Donbas.

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