Co-founder of the KOLO chain Serhii Voitsekhovskyi and restaurateur Dmytro Borysov at the food zone opening in the KOLO store
The presentation of the new food zone "Borysov's Food in KOLO" took place today in the "KOLO" store in Podil, at Spaska Street, 5.
This project is the first collaboration of a restaurant brand and a retail chain in Ukraine. On the shelves of "KOLO," you'll see 60 best-selling dishes of Dmytro Borysov's "Gastrofamily" presented. These are shawarma, burgers, pints, melts, cutlets, tom yam, kebabs, tiramisu, and other popular menu items.
The restaurateur Dmytro Borysov and the co-founder of the KOLO chain Serhii Voitsekhovskyi gave the presentation. Donuts of Borysov's brand "BPSH" were presented to all visitors.
"This solution can be called innovative for our market, although all over the world, you can find great ready-made food from restaurants in stores. We plan to grow; now KOLO has 236 stores, and we're interested in getting as close as possible to each home and office. And the next stage will be a delivery from the "KOLO" store to the buyer. We'll deliver as fast as possible, within 15 minutes. We'll test all our hypotheses and plans for this quarter and understand what exactly needs prioritizing," Dmytro Borysov said.
"Now we're launching flagship pilot versions and we'll see what needs to be taken into account: range, service, processes. After that, we'll decide to scale the project. We deeply want to make sure that all KOLO stores have Dmytro Borysov's food for all our customers," Serhii Voitsekhovskyi, co-founder of the KOLO chain, commented.
This week, the corners of the Borysov's Food in KOLO service will open in the KOLO stores in the Parus Business Center (2 Mechnikova Street, opening on February 9) and in Pozniaky (2v Drahomanova Street, opening on February 12). Later, they plan to expand the project to the entire KOLO network.
when you can get several dishes in a check with up to 5 euros. The average price of "Borysov's Food" in "KOLO" is UAH 60. For 59 UAH, for example, you can buy a full portion of tom yam with tiger prawns and fish, like in a restaurant.
The peculiarity of frozen dishes from Dmytro Borysov in the "KOLO" network is that they're not inferior to restaurant counterparts from Borysov in taste and quality. Dishes are frozen by shock freezing; it's frozen at temperatures below -40 degrees Celsius, so that there's no crystallization inside the tissues and the structure of the product isn't destroyed, according to the restaurateur. This is a method that, for example, is used in Japan to freeze fish.
Now you can buy ready meals from Borysov at KOLO:
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