
Zelenskyi’s Office informed on cooperation with ICRC and Red Cross of Ukraine

Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Roman Mashovets met with Deputy Chairperson of the delegation of International Committee of the Red Cross in Ukraine Daniel Bunskog and Director General of the National Committee of the Red Cross of Ukraine Maksym Dotsenko.

The Office of the President reported.

The participants of the meeting discussed the prospects and ways of further development and deepening of relations between Ukraine and the components of the international humanitarian movement of the Red Cross.

During the conversation, they paid special attention to humanitarian cooperation while returning Ukrainian citizens held captive and in camps, and their further rehabilitation in Ukraine.

Roman Mashovets noted that returning Ukrainian citizens in a difficult situation was one of the priority areas of work identified by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi. Ukraine has recently demonstrated its firm position in this direction and will continue to work actively to protect and support Ukrainians around the world. Cooperation with the Red Cross will help support the humanitarian component while returning Ukrainians and their further rehabilitation in Ukraine.

Daniel Bunskog stressed that the International Committee of the Red Cross in Ukraine had a positive experience of cooperation and was interested in further deepening relations under the basic principles of the Red Cross.

Maksym Dotsenko added that the Red Cross of Ukraine cooperated fruitfully with the executive authorities. They particularly noted the role of humanitarian projects launched together with the Ministry of Veterans Affairs.

The Deputy Head of the Office of the President outlined further areas of cooperation and those responsible for working on practical aspects of partnership in humanitarian cooperation between Ukraine, the ICRC, and the Ukrainian Red Cross.

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