"It's the man who invented the helicopter. A man, known all over the world. And everyone around the world knows that Ihor Sikorskyi is Ukrainian. The US Army has used Sikorskyi's helicopters for many years. It was he who developed the first prototypes at the beginning of the 20th century and managed to lift them into the air a few decades later in the United States," the deputy said.
He recalled that in 2000, the Ministry of Defense leased the family estate of a well-known aircraft designer for 49 years to a dubious charitable foundation with a commitment to reconstruct it.
Since the foundation did everything to destroy the building and build a skyscraper in its place, the defense department terminated the contract, and the estate returned to state ownership.
"But for the last five years, the Ministry of Defense, unfortunately, has done nothing to begin the reconstruction of the estate of our compatriot Ihor Sikorskyi. Moreover, the ministry is doing everything to keep the estate collapsing," Pushkarenko said.
The deputy initiates an appeal to the Ministry of Defense with a demand to start the reconstruction of the estate immediately.
"Today, both the Sikorskyi Corporation, which has a capitalization of billions of dollars, and the United States are ready to financially support the implementation of this project. I hope that the Ministry of Defense will hear us, and we will achieve the reconstruction of Sikorskyi's estate," Pushkarenko said.
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