
“It’s not about freedom of speech”: Servant of People Party explains sanctions against TV channels

On February 2, President Volodymyr Zelenskyi put into effect a decision of the National Security and Defense Council to impose sanctions on three Ukrainian TV channels, and their owner, People's Deputy Taras Kozak. The deputy from the Servant of the People faction Nikita Poturaiev stated that these TV channels were agents of the Russian influence.

He said this on the air of the Ukraine 24 channel.

"I wouldn't reduce it to closing the channels. It's openly pro-Russian and Russian discourse, where they're now trying to push this whole discussion. We should be talking about anti-Ukrainian activities, including activities that are common to terrorists who occupied the Ukrainian Donbas, with Russian mercenaries and their puppets, and about their joint business. And also about business agents of the Russian influence conducted here," the people's deputy told.

According to Poturaiev, the activities of these TV channels are financed from the occupied territories.

"It's what we need to talk about, it's what we have been fighting against. This situation isn't about the channel, not about freedom of speech. It's about financing propaganda with money originating from the occupied territories," he said.

As reported, Zelenskyi imposed sanctions on Medvedchuk's colleague Kozak and his TV channels for 5 years. Zelenskyi called this decision difficult.

The TV channels announced their "intention to fight for their right to speak for Ukrainians and be on the air."

Besides, the National Security and Defense Council blocked the company, which has 7 private planes, including Kozak's personal plane.

In response, OPZZH stated it was initiating impeachment proceedings against Zelenskyi.

Ukraiinska Pravda reported, citing its own sources, that the SBU and the National Security and Defense Council had found evidence of ORDLO funding for 112, ZIK, and NewsOne.

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