On the website of the Verkhovna Rada, the status of the draft law is listed as revoked on January 27 and withdrawn from consideration. Zelenskyi was named the initiator of the draft law.
The draft law provided for terminating the powers of the current Constitutional Court (CC) to resume constitutional proceedings in the interests of the citizens of Ukraine. The draft law also regulated the selection procedure for the new composition of the Constitutional Court on a competitive basis.
The draft law proposed to recognize the decision of the Constitutional Court of October 27, 2020, as adopted in a conflict of interest and return the wording of the law "On Prevention of Corruption" and the Criminal Code, which were in force before the decision of the Constitutional Court.
To recap, on December 29, the president signed the decree on removing Oleksandr Tupytskyi from the position of the judge of the Constitutional Court for two months.
The Constitutional Court noted that the decision to dismiss a judge is made exclusively by the Constitutional Court at a special plenary session, and no other body or official can make such a decision in its place.
On January 19, the State Bureau of Investigations reported the suspicion towards the head of the CCU, Oleksandr Tupytskyi, and he was not allowed into the courtroom.
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