
After Biden’s inauguration, two cases opened in Ukraine against U.S. President and Poroshenko – attorney

New proceedings against Petro Poroshenko and newly elected US President Joseph Biden were opened two days after the inauguration of the US President.

Poroshenko's lawyer Ihor Holovan informed about it, Interfax reports.

"On January 20 this year, Ukrainians and the entire world watched the inauguration of the new President of the United States Biden. They looked with great hopes for developing cooperation between our country and its strategical ally. Because during the term of office of the fifth President of Ukraine Poroshenko and the then Vice President Biden, this cooperation was very positive for us," Holovan recalled at the briefing.

"With some joy, as we now see, a hypocritical one, the Office of the current President Zelenskyi looked at this inauguration. Why do I say "hypocritical"? Because on January 22, two days after the inauguration of the President of the United States, two new criminal proceedings concerning alleged interference in the activities of former Prosecutor General of Ukraine Shokin by the fifth President of Ukraine Poroshenko and the current President of the United States Biden," he said.

"Who are the perpetrators of this provocation? And the perpetrators are the same. Derkach, an agent of the aggressor state, recognized by the international community, the Pechersk court, and the current Ukrainian government manipulated by the aggressor state's agents… That is, they're again trying to destroy the strategic partnership between Ukraine and the United States," Holovan summarized.

The Interfax-Ukraine news agency writes it has sent a request to the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine regarding this information, and the court could not confirm or deny the information about the opening of such cases.

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