photo: UNIAN
Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal stated this during his speech in the Verkhovna Rada.
"On December 30, Ukraine signed an agreement to purchase vaccines from Sinovac Biotech… Last week, this vaccine was approved to use in Brazil, where they conducted clinical trials. In approximately three to four weeks, we expect the first batch of 700,000 doses of this manufacturer's vaccine," Shmyhal said.
He also added that Ukraine expected the supply of vaccines from 8 to 16 million doses from the global initiative COVAX this year.
"We expect COVAX's decision to include in the first wave distribution by February 1, and in the event of a positive decision, we will receive up to 200,000 doses of Pfizer Biotech vaccines in February," Shmyhal said.
He added that the most likely other vaccines that could be supplied to Ukraine under the COVAX initiative would be those organizations they had production agreements with, i.e. Pfizer Biotech, AstraZeneca, Novavax, and Sanofi.
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