Health Minister Maksym Stepanov stated this at a briefing.
"We see the number of people getting sick and registering every day as having coronavirus declining. We have achieved serious stabilization. The key thing is that we can achieve and have achieved the major effect of introducing strict quarantine. We succeeded in bringing down this wave of coronavirus spread at the initial stages, which should've started after the New Year holidays," Stepanov said.
He noted that as of the morning of January 22, less than 19,000 patients in Ukraine with a confirmed diagnosis or suspected coronavirus were in hospital. At the beginning of December, there were about 29,000 such patients. According to him, this is direct evidence that the situation is improving.
"To fully assess how strict quarantine has affected the situation, we need to wait for strict quarantine to end and move on to another stage of our strategy. After a while, we will assess and inform how it has affected us, what we expect and how we will move forward," Stepanov added.
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