The Rubryka's correspondent reports from a briefing of the President of the NAS of Ukraine, Academician Anatoliy Zahorodniy.
Anatoliy Zahorodniy spoke about the reforms, and about the directions and priorities of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, including creating conditions for the career growth of young scientists.
He explained that this would be ensured by creating personnel reserves for all scientific fields. He also stressed:
"I have the privilege to head the Boholiubov Institute of Theoretical Physics, so if there's a young scientist, doctor or candidate of science, and then a laboratory for a career growth, we do our best to create a group for him/her at the first opportunity."
In addition, the President noted that the average age of researchers of the Presidium is gradually decreasing; this is the first positive step.
The Academy is also currently investigating the legal side of providing housing for researchers. Last year, scientists were given 70 apartments; this year, another 150 are to be provided, although there are many more candidates for apartments. Now there are about 400-500 scientists in line. According to Zahorodniy, providing housing will be finally resolved after the Cabinet of Ministers provides an opportunity to use the lands of scientific institutes for construction.
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