ECHR finds Ukraine's case against Russia on Crimea admissible and proceeds to merits
The European Court of Human Rights accepted Ukraine's case against Russia over the occupation of Crimea and proceeded to the merits.
The Minister of Justice Denys Maliuska announced this on Facebook.
In this case, Ukraine asks the court to recognize Russia's violation of the following articles of the European Convention on Human Rights:
- about the right to life;
- on the prohibition of torture;
- the right to liberty and security of person;
- the right to a fair trial;
- the right to respect private and family life;
- about freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.
The ECHR also confirmed that Russia had had effective control over Crimea since February 2014, and not since the so-called "referendum."
Maliuska explained that the case had several important aspects. In particular, a legal one: court decisions aren't political statements and eventually they'll have legal consequences for top officials of the aggressor country.
In terms of communication, it's important because both Ukraine and the Council of Europe make it clear: "Crimea remains our priority, we remember everything and will catch up with everyone involved."
It's also essential in counteracting the hybrid war: Russia supports the myth of "peaceful" and "legitimate" "accession" of Crimea.
"The decision of the European Court of Human Rights is a powerful legal blow to the mythology used by Russia in the hybrid war. Crimea is a history of armed aggression and gross human rights violations, not a "referendum" and "peaceful expression of will," Maliuska stressed.
ПЕРЕМОГА!!!!перша проміжна перемога у серії справ України проти Росії у Європейському суді з прав…
Posted by Denis Malyuska on Thursday, January 14, 2021
To recap, in March 2014 (shortly after the occupation of Crimea), Ukraine filed a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights. In it, Kyiv asks the court to consider numerous examples of human rights violations in the occupied Crimea. Ukraine relies on the fact that at least since February 27, 2014, the Russian Federation has controlled the occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and therefore it is responsible for observing human rights on the peninsula.