
Europe’s largest railway terminal being built on Hungarian-Ukrainian border

Construction of Europe's largest intermodal combined railway terminal, East-West Gate (EWG), has begun near the Hungarian-Ukrainian border in Fényeslitke, Hungary.

The Hungarian news agency Pressinform reports.

"Construction of the largest and most modern combined intermodal railway terminal has begun at the gates of the European Union in Fényeslitke (Hungary), near the Hungarian-Ukrainian border," the statement said.

As noted, EWG will be the first land-based combined intermodal terminal on the European continent which will be built on "green" technologies and will have its own 5G network. The theoretical capacity of the terminal, being built on an area of 125 hectares, is 1 million TEU per year.

It's expected that the EWG can play a key role in delivering goods between Asia and Europe alternatively, providing faster and larger deliveries than before.

"Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, the EWG intermodal terminal, being the western gateway of the New Silk Road, will offer an alternative freight route from Asia to Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, and Germany, will be faster than current land and sea routes," the message reads.

Test facility operation is scheduled to begin in January 2022, and final commissioning is scheduled for the first quarter of 2022. The €61 million investment is financed entirely from private sources.

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